Japanese Tax Authorities Releases FAQ (Ver8) on Crypto Taxes
Acquisition Cost Method Permitted for Specific Self-Issued Crypto Assets On December 25, 2023, the National Tax Agency (NTA) published a guidance titled “Tax Treatment of Crypto Assets (Information)”. This is the seventh time (the first was in 2017) that the NTA has officially expressed its views on calculating taxes for cryptocurrency in an FAQ format. […]
Japanese Tax Authorities Releases FAQ (Ver7) on Crypto Taxes
Crypto Traders Beware! Significant Changes In Determining Whether Income is Business Related or Not On December 22, 2022, the National Tax Agency (NTA) published a guidance titled “Tax Treatment of Crypto Assets (Information)”. This is the seventh time (the first was in 2017) that the NTA has officially expressed its views on calculating taxes for […]
Japanese Tax Authorities Release FAQ – Year End Mark-to-Market of Cryptos Held by Entities
This FAQ Focuses on Topics Related to Year End Mark-to-Market of Cryptos for Corporation Tax Purposes On January 20, 2023, the National Tax Agency (NTA) published a guidance titled “Year End Mark-to-Market Treatment of Cryptocurrencies Held by Entities (Information)”. The NTA has been releasing Crypto Tax FAQs every year since 2017. This FAQ (M-t-M FAQ) […]
Japanese Tax Authorities Releases FAQ on NFT Taxes
Some of the existing questions about calculating taxes for NFTs have been clarified On January 13, 2023, the National Tax Agency (NTA) published a guidance titled “Tax Treatment of NFTs (Information)”. This is probably the first time the NTA has officially expressed its views on calculating taxes for NFTs (Non Fungible Tokens) in an FAQ […]
Japanese Crypto Accounting Standard
Preface by the author: The following article was originally posted on my website back in 2018 when the Accounting Standard was first released. Here is the link to the original article. The information in the article remains relevant for financial statements issuers in Japan that hold bitcoin and cryptocurrencies on their balance sheet. I have also previously […]
Taxation of Crypto Assets (FAQ) – Links to Official NTA Releases
Useful Links Towards Year End When Preparing for Crypto Tax in Japan Since 2017, the Japanese National Tax Agency (NTA) has been releasing an FAQ on how transactions involving bitcoin and crypto assets are taxed. Here are the links to the official releases by the NTA. The contents are in Japanese. Go to our Posts […]